Two women holding several gift bags

Gift Deliveries Bring Joy to Vulnerable and At-Risk Adults

| 11:31 AM

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Staff from the County’s Public Administrator, Guardian, and Conservator’s Office are doing their part to brighten the holidays for the clients they serve throughout the year. They are delivering holiday gifts to dozens of men and women in their care.

Person in camouflage holding a tiny house

County Awarded $2.5 Million to House Veterans Experiencing Homelessness

| 10:45 AM

Reading Time: < 1 minute

The County Health and Human Services Agency has been awarded an annual $2.5 million federal grant to fund housing vouchers for veterans who are experiencing homelessness.

Family in pool

VIDEO: This Man’s Heart Stopped Beating. Here’s Why He’s Alive Today.

| 1:59 PM

Reading Time: < 1 minute

When someone goes into cardiac arrest, seconds can be the difference between life and death. The County’s Public Access Defibrillator Program makes Automated External Defibrillators, or AEDs, accessible in public and private places where large numbers of people gather. AEDs restart a heart that has stopped beating. They save lives, and no one knows that better than a group of co-workers in one downtown San Diego County office.