
Howl-a-ween Frights and Sounds

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Halloween runs the gamut from princess, bride and super hero costumes to witches, zombies and vampires.

But all your dog knows is the doorbell keeps ringing, strange people shout “trick or treat” while waving their wands, toy guns and swords at their owners and these costumed visitors almost but not quite, enter the house. To top it off, the screams coming from the faux haunted house next door are enough to raise anyone’s hackles. What is going on?

Self-respecting dogs may feel it’s their duty to bark, nip or even chase these strangers away despite any festive Halloween costumes they might be wearing themselves.

To be fair, County Animal Services says some dogs won’t be the least bit bothered by all the hullaballoo.

“Other dogs get so stressed out by all the commotion, they act out,” said Animal Services Director Dawn Danielson. “They’ll be happier if they are secured behind a closed door or in a crate in a room away from the front door.” 

Here are some additional tips for pet owners and for kids and parents who might encounter dogs while out trick-or-treating.


For Dog Owners:  

  • Secure your dog away from the door.
  • Distract him with a juicy bone from the butcher or other chewy dog treat.
  • Turn on the TV or play music in the dog’s room to mask the sounds of activity at the front door.
  • Close the drapes so the dog doesn’t see people walking by the front windows.
  • If your dog barks at the doorbell, disconnect it or watch for trick-or-treaters so they won’t ring the bell or knock at the door.
  • Keep all pets indoors so they don’t get spooked and run away.
  • Make sure your pets are microchipped in case they do escape out the front door.

For Parents and Kids:

  • Don’t approach any dog even if you know him. He may not recognize you in costume.
  • Avoid houses with a dog barking behind the door or a fence.
  • If a dog is at the door when the owner opens it, do not approach him. Let the owner come to you with candy. 
  • If the dog escapes or you meet a loose dog, stand still and be a tree. That means fold your hands in front and watch your feet. The dog will probably just sniff you and move away but if the owner is present, wait for him to get the dog before you turn away.

Keep these tips and tricks in mind so you and your pets can enjoy a safe and happy Halloween.         



Tracy DeFore is a communications specialist with the County of San Diego Communications Office. Contact