
Recommended Read: ‘Clara and Mr. Tiffany’

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Looking for a new book to read? Librarian Emily Posedel from the Encinitas County Library has got a great recommendation for you.

What it’s called: Clara and Mr. Tiffany

Who wrote it: Susan Vreeland

Read it if you liked:Claude & Camille: A Novel of Monet

What it’s about:Clara and Mr. Tiffany” is a work of biographical fiction set at the turn of the twentieth century in New York. Clara Driscoll, the head of the Women’s Division of Tiffany Glass & Decorating Company and the one who created the iconic Tiffany lamps, tells the story from her point of view. In the era of few women’s rights, the strictest term of employment at Tiffany Glass was that women must not be married. Clara struggles with this rule and wonders if she should continue to set aside her personal life to explore her creativity in the professional realm.

Anyone who is interested in art history, Tiffany lamps, or life during the turn of the century in New York City would enjoy this book.

How to get your hands on it: Visit your local County library, request it in the library bookmobile or see if it’s available online through e-books.

Check out past recommended reads on the County library blog.