
The Annual Report – Power in Numbers

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We all know there’s strength in numbers, and groups united can do so much more than just one entity alone. We call it collective impact, and that is the theme you’ll see in the County’s new 2015-16 Annual Report. The report highlights ways the County is strengthening its cooperation with the region’s 18 cities, other agencies and community organizations to address serious issues in our community so that together, we can make a difference.

So far, more than 200 partners have joined the County in promoting our vision of Live Well San Diego: a region that is building better health, living safely and thriving.

But the County is taking it even further by taking on regional issues. For example, helping chronically homeless people who suffer from serious mental illness. The County launched Project One for All, bringing together cities, housing organizations and nonprofits to provide wraparound services to this population and help them get off the streets.

The County is also zeroing in on problems that affect our young people by intensifying the fight against human trafficking with “The Ugly Truth” campaign. And by placing an emphasis on diverting young people away from the juvenile justice system so they can lead better lives. Those stories and more are found in the Annual Report.

While we always strive to meet greater challenges, we haven’t lost our focus on the backbone of our organization – the strategic initiatives for Healthy Families, Safe Communities, Sustainable Environments and Operational Excellence. You can see some accomplishments in those areas as well as “By the Numbers” sections. Want more? You can delve even deeper by checking out the County’s Operational Plan.

The Annual Report also allows you to meet the County Board of Supervisors, shows how our departments are organized and lists our top awards. Easy-to-read financial charts show where your tax dollars go.

The Annual Report is available online and it’s been optimized for mobile phones and tablets. So check it out and see just how the County is creating a stronger, vital region for all who call San Diego County home.

Tracy DeFore is a communications specialist with the County of San Diego Communications Office. Contact