two children and adult pet a dog laying on floor02:24

Recess with Rover

| 2:00 PM

Reading Time: < 1 minute

The Recess with Rover program is a partnership with Cajon Park School and Momentum Tutoring. The program is designed to bring joy to the school while providing opportunities for students to learn from experts about interacting with dogs, keeping dogs healthy, and learning about service dog college.


Ticks Test Positive for Tularemia, County Urges Hikers to Protect Themselves and Pets

| 12:09 PM

Reading Time: 2 minutes

County officials remind people to protect themselves and pets when hiking after ticks collected in Sorrento Valley test positive for “rabbit fever,” tularemia. Remember to wear insect repellent, proper clothing and to use insect control products on pets that kill fleas and ticks.